Latest Episodes
Podcast E124: How do I balance WordCamps & Life?
Updates Kyle: 4 of 7 chics getting named. “Chloe”, “Coco” “cheek-cheek” “Reggie White” Adam: Wife’s 2nd test came back less than 24hrs and negative. ...
Podcast E123: How do I find good contractors to work with?
Updates Kyle: Chicken Coop Adam: school starting for boys, finally!. Taking courses: Keyboard Maestro New site/podcast coming together!! // henry rollins podcast… kcrw.. (...
Podcast E122: What should I do if I’m burned out of the WordPress community?
Updates Kyle: My toe hurts a lot. Adam: Ellen feeling much better. Same w/Avalon. WordPress News WordPress 5.4 Changes Jeff Chandler launched WPMainline Wearing/Drinking/Reading...
Podcast E121: What are some options to review new plugins & themes?
Updates Kyle: practicing guitar Adam: grocery bill up 27.2% – feeding 5, vs ~3.5. People. // take a course.. WordPress News WordCamps going...
Podcast E120: How can we survive and thrive while stuck at home with our families?
Life Updates Kyle: Trying to break out of the minor pentatonic scale. Adam: rested. Relaxed. Moved daughter…. Home. early. WordPress News. The call for...
Podcast E119: How do you keep WordPress and family/real life separate?
Updates Kyle: Holy crap, the hiring process is exhausting. Adam: We had snow. A credit of $6.52 to utility bill? // educated son this...